Turning challenges into opportunities.
Strive: Boomerang’s alternative to suspension program
Serving students in grades 6-12 on short-term suspension.
We believe all young people have skills and insights that deserve to be developed and supported. Our Strive program provides youth who are at risk for disconnection from school, the opportunity to deepen their skills in communication, accountability, healthy relationships, goal setting, and positive decision making. Boomerang understands that behind every suspension statistic is a student with a story. We are here to listen and help them create their own positive change.
By participating in Strive, students:
~ Create connections with staff members through one-on-one support in setting goals and identifying strengths
~ Participate in large group activities and discussions, learning more about who they are as an individual
~ Strengthen connections with their peers and staff members throughout the day through conversation and shared activities
~ Share their growth with their family and identified school support staff on their last day of programming
~ Gain the opportunity for their school record to be improved pending successful completion of the program
Relationships are at the heart of our work.
“Parents are a student’s first teacher, the classroom teacher, second, and the environment, the third teacher… It’s the child's relationship with a parent, teacher and the environment that ignites learning” (Reggio Emilia Philosophy)
We understand the importance of involving families in a student’s learning. At Boomerang, we create an environment of deeper learning where students, families and the school are all involved in, and celebrate, a student’s growth.
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“At Boomerang I learned that one factor you can control in life is yourself and if you can get good at that, success will come with it.”
— Boomerang Student
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